Move San Diego’s Green Streets Public EXPO

Move San Diego, is a local non-profit whose “primary goal is to promote progress on the planning, development, and use of different transportation modes – such as walking, bicycling and public transit – and the land use patterns that help determine their effectiveness.” The organization’s annual fundraiser will be held next week on October 27, 2011. There is a Green Streets Public Expo which precedes the fundraiser and is free and open to the public that will highlight transportation options including bikes. Some of the exhibitors at the expo include:

Electra Bicycle Company


Fly Rides Electric Bikes

San Diego County Bicycle Coalition

Social Cycle

There will be plenty of bike parking is available on the Pier.

According to Move San Diego Executive Director,

the Expo is about all alternatives, not one over the other. The incentive to come by bike is intrinsic.

As incentives, Move San Diego is raffling off a Mountain bike, as well as an Electra bike.

The Green EXPO precedes Move San Diego’s Annual Fundraising Event (web invitation below).

Green Streets Celebration Invitation (click for large version)