Ride San Diego with a little help from your iPhone

Ride the City on iPhone. Photo © Apple.

Our friends over at Ride the City (RTC) have launched an iPhone application for cyclists. San Diego is one of the cities with routing suggestions offered by RTC. Now with an iPhone application, you can:

    1. Cyclists may use Ride the City at home and while they’re traveling. The app works in Austin, Chicago, Louisville, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, and Washington DC. New cities will be added with no additional charge to the iPhone user.
    2. The app uses autocomplete, remembering previous addresses or locations that have been entered.
    3. When closing the app for any purpose (to take a call or send a text, for example), the previous state is kept in memory so a user can easily access the last route that was generated.
    4. Find the nearest bike shops (and get directions to one) with just one touch.
    5. Users can adjust the level of safety and essentially how far they’re willing to go out of their way to ride on safer streets, or they can choose a more direct route instead.
    6. The directions are displayed on an easy-to-read scrollable screen that also includes the distance, a time estimate and the amount of climbing on the route.

and more.