More Great Press for San Diego’s Utility Cycling Organization

San Diego Cyclist, Jami Bamat. Photo by Rob Hammer of San Diego Magazine

San Diego Magazine had a terrific writeup about the rise of cycling in the city along with the work being done by the San Diego Bike Union, the city’s only organization championing and encouraging the rights of utility cyclists.

Traditionally, bicycle issues have been brought to the attention of local planners and politicians by the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, whose membership is composed mainly of bicycling clubs. By contrast, the Bike Union hopes to reach out to riders who wouldn’t join a club?—?what Bahde calls the “hidden cyclists,” including those in low-income and immigrant communities, students and others who don’t stand out with expensive bikes or flashy clothing. “You see all of these people wearing backpacks, with plastic bags tied to their handlebars, making what they have work for transportation,” Bahde says.

The article is well worth a read.