SD Grrrl Fair, Bike Workshop

Ken from Bikes Del Pueblo dropped us a note to let us know about the upcoming San Diego Grrrl Fair. His email had a request that states in part,

San Diego Grrrl Fair 2009
San Diego Grrrl Fair 2009

San Diego Grrrl Fair is a local event set for December that is designed to share skills and knowledge to empower womyn/women and their communities. We’re currently looking for anybody who is woman cyclist to head a workshop or discussion on biking, such as sharing their experiences riding or just practical how-to’s of biking.

If you are a woman cyclist and would like to head a workshop, please contact Ken at sxeken (at) riseup (dot) net or leave a comment that we can forward to Ken .

Furthermore, the organizers would also like to host an event that reflects the needs of their attendees. They have created a survey to determine what those needs are.