Action Item: Send a Letter in Support of 30th Street Protected Bike Lanes

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Greetings Mayor Faulconer and Representative Ward,

I support adding protected bike infrastructure to 30th Street in North Park. Thank you for your leadership and efforts to bring these improvements to our community. There are many benefits that these lanes bring, especially for health, environmental, and economic benefits. These myriad benefits extend beyond the bike and scooter riders who use the bike lanes, which can result in safer streets for all, less congestion, and ultimately less competition for already limited parking spaces.

Many of the business owners along the 30th Street corridor will benefit from increased business and foot traffic through their stores. There is significant precedent for cycle infrastructure increasing business revenue.

To help reach our City’s climate action goals, investing in protected bikeways along neighborhood commercial streets like 30th Street is critical. Protected bikeways allow safe travel for people of all ages and will allow more people to choose environmentally beneficial mobility options like scooter and bike instead of making a car trip.

San Diego has the weather, the geography, and the existing road space to become a world class walking, biking, and scootering city. I’m excited to see how all of our communities can become connected through investments like the protected bikeways along 30th Street.


